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In our technology driven world, St Michael’s School has to take e-safety very seriously.  E-Safety encompasses internet technologies and electronic communications such as mobile phones and tablets as well as collaboration tools and personal publishing.

The school has an age-appropriate curriculum for e-safety, which helps pupils to become safe and responsible users of new technologies both at home and at school. Pupils learn about the benefits and risks of using technology and the school provides safeguards and the need for awareness for users to enable them to control their online experience. As part of the new Computing curriculum, all year groups have digital literacy units that focus on different elements of staying safe on line. These units include topics from how to use a search engine, our digital footprint and cyber bullying.

All children have received instruction from the local police force about staying safe online and in what to do if they encounter something on the internet that they are unhappy about.

The following link has very useful advice for any concerns that you may have relating to E-safety:



Contact Us


© Copyright 2020 by St Michaels's CEP School, Tenterden.

Tel: 01580 763 210


St Michael's CEP School, Ashford Road, St Michael's, Tenterden, Kent,     

TN30 6PU.

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