PE Funding
PE Funding
PE Funding
Term Dates

Governing Body
The Local Governing Board comprises eight members; a mix of staff, parents and members of the community whose names are listed below. We have adopted the Circle Model of governance which requires us all to be familiar with all aspects of the educational, legal, financial and strategic imperatives relating to the Tenterden Schools Trust (TST) and those pertaining to St Michael's C of E Primary School particularly. We meet as a group each term.
Our remit and responsibilities are carefully prescribed by the DfE and there is a clerk, currently Jane Phillips, who attends all meetings and produces minutes of all discussions and decisions undertaken. She also provides procedural and regulatory advice on governance.
We monitor a School Improvement Plan prepared by the Headteacher in collaboration with staff and governors aimed at delivering the vision and mission of the school and identified ongoing and specific targets in a given year. We each take responsibility for a limited number of these specific objectives, paying particular attention to a subject area, class and focus on achieving the best outcomes for our pupils within budget.
We maintain a good two-way flow of information, exchange of ideas and sharing of good practice including that relating to school governance with all schools in the TST and with our sister schools in and around Tenterden as part of the Tenterden Rural Alliance. We work closely with the Diocese to maintain the Christian ethos so tangible in our school.
Membership of the governing body is as follows:
Hilary Honeysett - Chair of Governors
Victoria Ford - Vice Chair Co-opted Governor
Jo Paskhin - Headteacher Governor
Amy McElhatton - Co-opted Governor
Sam Brooks - Parent Governor
Stefanie Ceylan - Parent Governor
Jessica Groves - Staff Governor
Should you need to contact any of our governors, please do so by emailing the Clerk to the Governors: or via the school office.
A copy can be requested from the school office.